(Read Part 1 Here) Have you ever watched or read “A Dog’s Purpose”? It’s such a sad, yet heartwarming movie. You KNOW the dog’s spirit is immortal and will keep coming back, but every time he dies, it’s still tragic, because you’re feeling the loss the owner feels. It sucks losing a dog. In Part […]
Here’s a special unscheduled blog post to wish my wife a happy 5th Anniversary.
Damn! There’s been a lot of uproar lately about the proposed remake of “The Princess Bride.” This was a near-perfect fantasy fairy-tale with romance, swashbuckling, and mental might overcoming evil. I get it! I complain about remakes and sequels, too! Hollywood’s got no good ideas left! They’re sticking to what’s safe! The odds of a […]
I’ve shied away from a lot of writer’s groups because most of them have that guy in it. You know who I’m talking about. It’s who I call the motormouth narcissist writer. I’ve been in two writer’s groups who have had this personality type among them and I hope you’re not one of them. They’re […]
Note: I know I’m tardy on this review. I wanted to make sure it was comprehensive before I published this. From August 16-18, the wife and I attended the Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference and had a blast. There were a few different tracks regarding different aspects of writing: fiction, nonfiction, editing, and publishing. Click […]
Trevor Williams and I have been Twitter associates for roughly the last year and a half. We beta-read each other’s manuscripts and I was in for a helluva treat when I got his. Eternal Shadow will be releasing in about two months and I’ve got a nice sneek peek for you. It’s the edge-of-your-seat story […]
Early in my relationship with my wife, I exhibited some MAJOR trust issues. It’s seriously a miracle she stuck around to break through that wall. Desirea has proven to be a person to trust my life with (and I have), but I wasn’t always this way. I think this “dodged bullet” in the story below […]