October 2020 Housekeeping
A few noteworthy things:
-Due to the widening focus of topics I’ll be covering, I’ll be renaming the website and will have an additional domain of www.foxliketheanimal.com. The old URL of www.bryanfoxjr.com will still work for the foreseeable future. My wife had made a good point that I needed a catchier sounding name for the website. I chose “Fox Like the Animal” as a reference to my childhood where people would always misspell my last name (usually Cox or Sox). I’d always have to say, “It’s Fox, Fox like the animal.”
-I will have an email to match the new domain: bryan[at]foxliketheanimal.com. The old email of bryanfoxjr[at]gmail.com will continue to work just fine.
-The new, catchier sounding domain will also dovetail into the vlog and/or podcast my wife and I are working on. She won’t be too involved in the beginning due to her work schedule.
-I am continuing to receive ARCS and EARCS of books that indie authors would like me to review. I appreciate that you look forward to my input, but I may not have time to review them all. Please do not take it personally.
-I’ll be making a “to be read” page that will let you know who I’m reading now and who I’ll be reading in the future.
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